Saturday, October 13, 2007

my first run-in with the law

Well tonight i had my first run-in with the law. Yes, i got my first ticket.... heres the story. So Alicia Britch and i were on our way home from the store getting icecream for the fam. I was on this very unfamiliar abandoned country road with no idea what the speed limit is. All of the sudden i see a sheriff and slow but i didn't know what the speed limit was so i didn't know if i was speeding. so i continued onward cautiously. I kept checking my mirror and saw nothing so i thought that i was fine. the next thing i knew, i almost missed the turn so i had to slam on my brakes and make a sharp turn. Just when i was pulling up to the house, i noticed that there was another car behind me, then the lights went on. so i immediately got out my license and registration and waited for the copper to come. When he came up he was like "do you know why i pulled you over?" and i was like "I am pretty sure that i was speeding", he said" do you know how fast you were going?" me, "i have no idea", officer " you were going 54 in a 40." me, "ok" officer, " do you know what that means?" me "nope." officer" i will need to take you off to jail" and then he smiled, laughed and then asked me for my license and registration.
the officer took his own sweet time doing whatever they do. the next thing i knew julie britch was running down the driveway with a flashlight. when she got to my window, the intercom from the truck said "mam please step away from the vehicle...... just kidding" Then julie went and talked with the officer. when julie was finished she walked over and told me that the officer was only going to write me for 5 over. so i was like ok sweet. we were waiting for a long time so alicia and i decided to play the question game. we played like 5 rounds when i heard the intercom say "jordan, will you please come to my car?", so i got out and went to his window. when i got there he said, "did she tell you that i was only going to write you up for 5 over?" me "yes" officer "D#@m it, my printer will not work!". then the officers phone buzzed because he got a text. he texted back and told me "never get married" i am pretty sure i had no idea what to say back. he then asked me why my license plate read lana so i told him. the whole time he was making wise cracks and what not. by this point his printer is still not working so i was starting to think a may not end up getting a ticket. The the officer said that he was going to have to write one by hand and started to jokingly complane about it. then he said, "usually if this happened the person would try to get out of a ticket" in my head i was thinking " DON'T DO IT IF IT IS REALLY THAT TERRIBLE TO WRITE ONE BY HAND, AND I DON'T WANT TO MAKE THINGS WORSE FOR ME BY TRYING TO TALK YOU OUT OF GIVING ME A TICKET!!!" he then wrote one out by hand complaining about it the whole time. I was so angry! i was like don't make wise cracks and be all nice about everything and still write me a ticket! He was such an unprofessional jerk! sure he was nice about it, but he should not have been all happy and joking with my and still given me a ticket!
yeah so that was my night!


G-Dawg said...

How strange.

He's like a police cliche. The only thing missing was powdered sugar around his mouth from the doughnut he just finished.

Anonymous said...



i just love you big brother, o, and do we have some love traumas to talk about that are going on in good ol' pleasant gove!! :) haha

luv ~kenzie~