Monday, August 20, 2007

Very Weird

So i am not sure that i am completely ready to live on my own ha ha. it has been so weird!! Nate and i went grocery shopping for the first time today and it was weird to have to create a "meal plan" for the next week so we would not have to go to Walmart like a thousand times this week.

tonight for dinner we had BBQ chicken. we bought some frozen chicken fingers and created a "meal" out of them. the only thing was that we forgot to let the chicken thaw before we cooked it, so we just put it in the oven.... frozen. we were just grateful that it turned out edible.

here are some pics from my day today.
this is Nate my roommate and one of my best friends


Kelley Giles said...

Hi Son! Good work on your blog. I love you and miss you already. I'm glad that I can keep up to date with you here. I got a little emotional when I said family prayer last night cause you weren't here. I hope you have a great day at orientation. You are the best. It was fun spending time with you at SUU. Love MOM

Hannah's Assistant said...

Robyn gave me your blog page address. I had to check it out and love it. Try to keep it up even when you get busy. We will love to hear about your adventures.

grandmam said...

This is so exciting. I am going to comment everywhere. If you want a few quick cooking hints and recipes this weekend, let me know. You can't live on saltines, buddy. Is there something I could make for you to take down when you go home on Labor Day. Let me know and I will do it.
Love your guts!