Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So today was pretty much worthless! Today was the university orientation. yeah, as i said, worthless. So it started at 8 a.m. and went until about 5 p.m. There definately was some benifitial information given, but there was no need for it to be like a thousand hours long!!

So we went and they divided us into 11 different groups and of course Tyson, Nate, and I were all in different groups. They divided us into groups according to our major, Nate was Pre-Dental, Tyson was Pre-Med, and for some reason I was undecided. I am not sure if I was just lazy when I signed up, or if I was not sure what my major would be called or what, but I was in the loser group of the undecided. For the record, I my major as of right now is Commercial Architecture.

After the division, they gave a sort of intro about the school and the history of it. Then we went to the theater and got a lecture about the requirement and that sort of thing, this was the only really valuable information that was presented to us. After a general lecture they broke us up into our separate groups to get more info on our specific majors, or lack of one. So I was in the undecided group and the academic adviser just lectured us about how it was ok to not have a major and what not, I kind of tuned out because I already knew what I wanted to do and was starving so ... yeah.

After that ridiculous advisement, it was lunch time and I was so hungry! They had a sort of build your own taco line thing, it was way good! they gave us a very long time for lunch so Nate, Tyson, and I went and took a look in the bookstore.

After Lunch they divided everyone up again and had them go talk to their adviser to finalize their schedules. This was also great because it was one on one with someone who knew what they were doing. So I asked some questions about my different classes and what not and came out with a healthy 17 credit hours, more than any of my friends. Because they met with everyone individually this literally took FOREVER!!! (like 3 hours).

After that ordeal, we took a very extensive tour in the burning inferno outside, it was so hot!!

So this was pretty much my whole day. So I made some friends last night (girls of course). One of my friends from Taco Amigo, Chelsea came over with one of her roommates, Ashley, and then another friend Staci. They are way cool and we hung-out at my ... house, thats weird to say!, the last two nights. So yeah, this was my day today!


G-Dawg said...

I love hearing about your day!

"burning inferno outside"

That cracked me up! Great logo at the top of your post. I hope today is more valuable to you.


Max and Beverly said...

What a grand idea, having your very own blog spot. Love the vernacular of college kids, you especially, I really felt like I was there with you at orientation, and felt like I know you better. Gdad was herding turkeys at 6am, they were headed up hill across the road, we have 6 someone gave us....your dad was right, this gmama will use this and hugs

Jammin' said...

Hey, J! So cool that you have a blog. I'll visit often. I so loved your description of your orientation. I was laughing and crying all at the same time! Good luck with the whole meal planning thing. I still struggle with that:) You'll do awsome on your own.

Jammin' said...

Jammin' is me, Aunt Jen, just so you know:)

grandmam said...

Hey J....
I told you I would post everywhere. I saw Evan Almighty today and loved old Steve. Did you see the Office this week? It was a little naughty, but hilarious. I love those weird people...probably because I am weird like that.
Love ya,