Friday, November 19, 2010

Work Crisis: Someone stole my chair!

I enjoy my job. I work at a little desk in the corner where I don't have to talk to many co-workers. I mean I would like to talk to people but often my workload does not allow me to. My job stresses me out sometimes. I work with large Hotel/Spa chains who often ask me very hard questions that I have no idea how to answer. Besides my plant, I have only one comfort at work, and that is my chair.

Until recently there has been a chair shortage at my workplace, how that happens I don't know. I witnessed weeks of chair theft, luckily I work most of the day everyday so I was rarely a victim. In an effort to rectify the situation my work purchased about 12 new chairs. I was lucky enough to secure one of them for myself. That was about 2 weeks ago. I thought that with the surplus of chairs the pirating would discontinue. I was right, at least until last Monday when I walked into the office and my brand new chair was gone. It didn't take me long to discover who did it. It was one of the new girls. Now I had a moral dilemma, should I ask her to give my chair back? Should I take it back when she was not looking? Should I just let her have it? All bad options, I put that chair together, I was part of it and it was part of me. I remember the time I put it together backwards so I could only lean forward and instead of backwards! We bonded!

So a week went by... Every day I would mention to my neighbors around me that I missed my chair. I just couldn't bring myself to steal my chair back! Or so I thought. Finally after a failed attempt on Tuesday to take back what was mine, today I finally struck back, I did the lowest of the low, I stole it while she was in a meeting... Actually technically I didn't steal it back, I got cold feet, so my good friend Taylor stole it back for me.

So today I had a pleasant day in my good ol' chair. I still feel mildly guilty about the whole situation, but she should not have stolen my chair :)

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