Thursday, January 17, 2008

Second Semester

So pretty much it had been so long since I last posted that I forgot my password.... but then by some stroke of luck I remembered it!

Well things have been pretty hecktic as of recent. I was asked to plan and be in charge of my wards opening social which was last monday. It went really well. I was pretty stressed because I didn't get very much help from anyone so it was pretty much a one man show haha! I planned this party as a Bunco Regift party. I was told to plan on 150 people which was apparently not reasonable so I am not sure who told me that number but it was incorrect. We had 56 people there so it was much more manageable. I am glad that it is over! It was fun though and I heard good things back.

I think one of the biggest reasons I was so stressed is because last thursday I was asked to speak in church. I was like are you kidding me? I am planning the freakin ward social tomorrow and you want me to speak?! So I spoke. I was asked to speak on Pres Monsons talk on finding peace for 7 mins so I didn't think that it would be too bad right? Well there were two other speakers and I was the concluding speaker. Of course the others ended early so I ended up speaking for like 15 mins. It was ok though, glad thats over too thought haha!

I have been really glad to be back in school. This semester I have a pretty tough schedule. I have all my classes on MWF so that is good but it makes MWF's very long. I start off the day with english 1010 at 9, then go to microbiology 2060at 10, then I have an hour break, then Math 1050 at 12, then history 1700 at 1, then planetary science 2010 at 2. Wednesdays are really long because I have micro bio lab from 3-5 so that is my really long day! I really like all of my professor's though! I have had a ton more homework thought but I actually like it surprisingly haha!

Hope everything is well with everyone!

1 comment:

Kelley Giles said...

It's nice to finally hear from you again on your blog! Good job on all the things you are doing. We miss you here at home. Take care and stay warm.