Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm a Sophomore!!

So yesterday I registered for classes for next semester. It is so weird to me that my first semester of college is almost over! I was excited to learn that I have enough credits to register as a sophomore next sem. I had 17 credits transfer from High school, and then I took and additional 17 this semester. That gives me 34, and you only need 30 to be a sophomore. I am pretty excited about my schedule for next semester, it will be challenging which is good because my schedule this semester has been extremely easy for me.

Next semester I will be taking English 1010, Math 1050, Microbiology & MB lab, Photography, and News writing. I am way excited for these classes! they will make me study and push me which is something that has not happened in a good while. Another cool thing is all of my classes will be on MWF. I will have a class consecutively from 9 am to 2 pm with an exception on wed classes ending at 5pm. This will leave tues and thurs for homework and regular work.

hope everything is well!

1 comment:

G-Dawg said...

Congratulations, Sophomore Jordan! It sounds like things are lining up for you.